
this was a tie-in to the First Act guitar promotion, where people got a custom v-dub guitar when they bought a vw. the video below gives you a sense of the larger campaign and how the digital piece fit into it. 


as part of the campaign, we created this micro-site so people could learn about the guitar, get guitar lessons from dweezil zappa, upload their jams and compete to be the best shredder on the web. 

a rocker's hand shredded up and down the guitar navigation as you moved from section to section

a rocker's hand shredded up and down the guitar navigation as you moved from section to section

this section let you get up close and personal with the custom Vw guitar

this section let you get up close and personal with the custom Vw guitar

the coolest part of the site were these online guitar lessons with dweezil zappa. as the video played, notations appeared on the guitar below so you could follow along with whatever dweezil was playing. (how cool is that name, by the way?)

the coolest part of the site were these online guitar lessons with dweezil zappa. as the video played, notations appeared on the guitar below so you could follow along with whatever dweezil was playing. (how cool is that name, by the way?)

we also had and online rock contest where we found the greatest shredder in the virtual world. seriously, a lot of these guys were amazing. 

we also had and online rock contest where we found the greatest shredder in the virtual world. seriously, a lot of these guys were amazing. 

we also made this sick interactive banner. (don't hear that too often) wherever your mouse moved, our guitar hero would follow doing some amazing rockrobatics. 

we also made this sick interactive banner. (don't hear that too often) wherever your mouse moved, our guitar hero would follow doing some amazing rockrobatics.